S.T.A.R.-Track - Latent Motion Models for End-to-End 3D Object Tracking with Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Appearance Representations

TL;DR: S.T.A.R.-Track is a end-to-end method for 3D object tracking that follows the tracking-by-attention paradigm. A novel latent motion model allows to apply the ego motion and object motion to the latent object queries to account for appearance changes which results in stable and coherent tracks.


Following the tracking-by-attention paradigm, this paper introduces an object-centric, transformer-based framework for tracking in 3D. Traditional model-based tracking approaches incorporate the geometric effect of object- and ego motion between frames with a geometric motion model. Inspired by this, we propose S.T.A.R.-TRACK which uses a novel latent motion model (LMM) to additionally adjust object queries to account for changes in viewing direction and lighting conditions directly in the latent space, while still modeling the geometric motion explicitly. Combined with a novel learnable track embedding that aids in modeling the existence probability of tracks, this results in a generic tracking framework that can be integrated with any query-based detector. Extensive experiments on the nuScenes benchmark demonstrate the benefits of our approach, showing state-of-the-art performance for DETR3D-based trackers while drastically reducing the number of identity switches of tracks at the same time.

Qualitative Examples & Analysis


The research leading to these results is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action within the project “KI Delta Learning“ (Förderkennzeichen 19A19013A). The authors would like to thank the consortium for the successful cooperation.”